

Benjamin S. Noble and Taylor N. Carlson. 2024. “CueAnon: What QAnon Endorsement Signals about Congressional Candidates and What it Costs Them.” Political Behavior. [publisher site] [ungated] [appendix] [data/code] [twitter summary]

Benjamin S. Noble. 2024. “Presidential Cues and the Nationalization of Congressional Rhetoric, 1973-2016.” American Journal of Political Science. [publisher site] [ungated] [data/code] [twitter summary] [blog summary]

Benjamin S. Noble. 2023. “Energy versus Safety: Unilateral Action, Voter Welfare, and Executive Accountability.” Political Science Research and Methods. [publisher site] [ungated] [appendix] [blog post summary] [twitter summary]

Benjamin S. Noble, Andrew Reeves, and Steven W. Webster. 2022. “Crime and Presidential Accountability: A Case of Racially Conditioned Issue Ownership.” Public Opinion Quarterly. [publisher site — ungated] [replication files] [twitter summary]

Working Papers

Benjamin S. Noble. “Presidential Negative Partisanship: Going Public for Partisan Gain, Not Policy Success.” [working paper]

Benjamin S. Noble and Ian R. Turner. “Presidential Leadership and Strategic Legislative Polarization.” [working paper]

Other Publications

Zoe Ang, Benjamin S. Noble, and Andrew Reeves. 2021. “Public Opinion and Public Support in Crisis Management.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. [publisher site]